Search by author: ajm50
02/03/22: GOSSIP Seminar – Katharine Vincent “Navigating power relationships in African climate services”
Co-production of knowledge is a promising approach to promote more just and sustainable development outcomes, and has been widely embraced in developing climate services. However, co-production covers many approaches…
09/02/22: Semester 2 GOSSIP away day
Agenda to follow. We will use this time to develop our strategy for the next few years, to share ongoing and potential research and to socially (re)connect. Join us 1.30-4pm on Teams.
02/02/22: GOSSIP Seminar – Bridget Martin “Urbanizing Empire: US Military Territoriality in South Korea” (Harvard)
Referring to the US military as a “pointillist empire” or as an “empire of bases,” critics of US militarism frequently use the number of US bases as a proxy indicator of the extent and character of US military empire,…
19/01/22: GOSSIP Seminar – Sean Field “Carbon Capital” (St Andrews)
Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork with energy financiers in Houston, Texas, I explore how experts use a lexicon of models and metrics to conceptualize and construct allegories about future hydrocarbon projects and…
10/11/21: RSGS talk by Nina Laurie- Amazonian Journeys
Join the RSGS online on 10th November 2021 at 7.30pm for a talk by Professor Nina Laurie. Nina tells the story of two journeys along the Chambira River in Loreto, Peru. The first tracks a visit made by researchers in…
03/11/21: GOSSIP Seminar – Kelly Kay (University of California, Los Angeles)
Join us at 3pm on Teams for this GOSSIP seminar.
27/10/21: GOSSIP Seminar – Max Ritts “Capitalism in the Flow of Sound” (Cambridge)
Join us at 3pm on Teams for this GOSSIP seminar.
13/10/21: GOSSIP Seminar – Tracey Skelton (National University of Singapore) Disciplined Within Borders: Im/Possibilities of Young People’s National and Global Resistive Engagement
Join us at 3pm on Teams for this GOSSIP seminar.
29/09/21: GOSSIP Seminar – Sherine Ebadi (University of California, Berkeley)
Join us at 3pm on Teams for this GOSSIP seminar.