By 29/06/20: Supplementary review on the SDGs

Friday 19 June 2020

Towards the Supplementary review on the SDGs in Scotland by Scottish Government

Rehema White was involved in the development of a Supplementary Review on Progress against the SDGs in Scotland in 2019. The Scottish Government was going to publish but has recently decided to withhold the report despite confirmation to Parliament as recent as March 23rd that the review was almost ready. There is a move now to encourage publication and there is an option for everyone to engage by viewing the draft version or by signing the letter as an individual or organisation, before 5pm Monday 29 June.  The letter to Kate Forbes MSP – Cabinet Secretary for Finance at the Scottish Government – calls for the immediate publication of Scotland and the SDGs: A national review to drive action. The report is now ten months overdue, and the Scottish Government will miss its own latest deadline for publication, which was this Spring (Friday). Last week, the SDG network was informed by the government of their new intention not to publish the report, 
Click here to read the letter, an overview of why and how this has been developed, and to add your organisation’s or your own support at the bottom of the letter.