2019-2020 Semester 2: GOSSIP VIRTUAL SEMINARS – Wednesdays at 4pm

Tuesday 2 June 2020

2019-2020 Semester 2: GOSSIP VIRTUAL SEMINARS – Wednesdays at 4pm

April 1: Mike Simpson: The Political Economy of COVID-19

April 8th: Hebe Nicholson: Toppling inhibitive knowledge hierarchies in resettlement as climate change adaptation: Perceptions from the Lower Shire Region of Malawi

April 15th: what can G&SD do for/with the various communities we are part of (the immediate geographical community and more extended virtual communities such as with research colleagues and participants in the Global South)? Research and knowledge exchange possibilities around questions of connection, isolation etc.

April 22nd:  Nina and Paula will lead a discussion of leisure during/after COVID – details to come.

April 29th: Luis Andueza – Amazonian peatlands project.

May 6th: Jess Hope will share an early paper draft

May 13th: Jo Sharp on Zoonoses and returning to the discussion about geographies of COVID started by Mike S.

May 20th: Dan Clayton on historical geographies of disease

May 27th: Ife Okafor-Yarwood: Unsustainable exploitation of natural resources in Africa and the fallacy of the tragedy of the commons: Who is watching the watchers?

June 3rd: Antonis- Political geographies of COVID

June 10th: TBC

June 17th: Less formal end of term session –to talk about how things have gone this semester, celebrate getting to the end of it, and think about what’s to come and how we might face it together?


Summer sessions:

July 8th: Longer occasional summer series (3.30-5)

July 29th: Longer occasional summer series (3.30-5)

August 19th: Longer occasional summer series (3.30-5)


Possible themes for the summer sessions:

  • GOSSIP/G&SD and oceans/maritime geographies (Ife, Mike S, Nina, Dan?)
  • Hopeful geographies – drawing on Afro-futurism (Jo S, Ife, Mike S)
  • Postgrad led session
  • We had planned to invite Deb Cohen from Toronto to visit for a seminar in the autumn, we could invite her to to see if she wants to run a virtual session with us

This is tentative and may change – please do get in touch if you have other ideas.